I can’t possibly let the holidays, and the end of 2024 slip by without thanking you.
It has been a year of personal, and community, growth and I am deeply thankful for the connections and sparks that I have made with you.
This time of year, is often bittersweet. It can be bitter with too many to-dos, opportunities to recognize loss, feelings of should haves, or just a sense of overall disappointment.
But, then? There is always somewhere -if you stop and look- the sweet side. The side that leans into hope, trust, and a knowing that things will always evolve, and shift, and be as they should be.
Wherever you are on your journey today, and into the new year—I hope that you can lean in just a little extra to the sweet side and take comfort in the bittersweet yin and the yang of it all.
We are strong. So we are able to step up and do the ‘right’ things when we need to, no matter how hard they sometimes are. We do those hard things over and over again for our families, our partners, our friends, our neighbors, our colleagues, our businesses, our students, our pets.
And yet I have learned, both personally and in my work life, is that it is often hard to do right by, and for, ourselves.
We know what we ‘should ‘do, but making time for it, drumming up the energy for it, or even giving ourselves permission to take the smallest step towards it is where we falter. We know what we’d ‘like’ to do and yet something else takes up that effort and space and puts us back on the bottom of our own priority list.
One of my personal challenges this year?
Getting to the gym. There. It. Is.
Most of you already know that one of my part time gigs is actually; working at the gym.
So WHY is taking a class or working out there a challenge for me?
Without overthinking- here is the sneaky list of things I say to sabotage myself: “I have office work to do,” “it doesn’t fit my schedule today,” “I’m too busy,” “the class is too busy.” “my dogs need to be walked,” “my foster dog is crated at home,” “I need to make dinner,” “I’m too hungry,” “my foot hurts,” “I don’t need to work out today,” “I haven’t seen my hubby for days,” “my kid needs a ride,” “my house is a mess,” “I have an appointment,” “I forgot my shoes,” “I have to grocery shop,”... etc., etc., etc.
Sure, this is all ‘true.’ But do you know what else is true? That none of it is really preventing me from exercise or movement. I am preventing me from exercsie and movement—and once I start to do that regularly I am grumpy, I don’t feel vibrant, I don’t sleep well, and I am usually not as mentally available to connect with my family, my dogs, my clients, my friends, or even my myself.
Why do I tell you this? Because we are all similar. Maybe you happen to get your workout in, but your personal slippery slope is poor sleep, or too much stress, or not fueling properly, or not making time to connect, or not giving yourself downtime, or putting everyone else first. Whatever your “it” is—feel no shame. Just take note. We all have something that we could be doing (or not doing) that would make our lives healthier, happier and better.
All of this said, it has been rather surprising yet still interesting to explore where I have let myself slip this year. I suppose I admit it, first, because putting it out there will help guide me to do better next year. But perhaps, more importantly. I write and share it because I honor those of you who have been vulnerable, honest, and done the work this year to meet yourself where you want to be.
I am thankful for the trust you have given me and in turn even the kindness you have shown and given to yourself. We are not perfect, but together we can learn to take one step at a time to doing things for ourselves that make us feel healthier and happier.
Thank you all for filling my cup this year with compassion, trust and hope.
Cheers to you, and onward to a happy and healthy 2025!
On another note; would it fill your cup to let yourself meet your own wellness needs?
Read about a workshop that I'm excited to be staring in January with one of my favorite co-coaches:
Email me if you have questions or want more info